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This study aimed to analyze some of the ideas that emerge in people's thinking during their incessant communication within the economic realm of the social system and serve as the basis for the narrative that drives their actions. The purpose was to contrast these ideas with new realities in order to identify elements of a new narrative for the current era. The ideas and proposals analyzed in the works of five prominent authors in the field of social sciences, who propose a change in the social paradigm prevailing since the beginning of capitalism, served as a guide for the research. These authors are Robert Owen, Jeremy Rifkin, Henry Mintzberg, Jean Tirole, and Christian Felber. The indications provided by the Grounded Theory (Glaser and Strauss 1967/2006) were taken into account, as well as a qualitative method used by the author of the Motivation and Hygiene Theory (Herzberg, 1959), in order to find the metadiscourse, which is the essence of thought in the underlying content of the expressed ideas (Hyland, 1998). It was found that the understanding of human nature and acting accordingly lay the foundation for a balanced and just society. Empathy and compassion in relationships, forming the basis of ethical interactions between individuals and groups, shape the course of societal action. The pursuit of the common good, along with a balanced society, is essential to address the deviations affecting humanity today in political, economic, and social aspects.

Javier Muñoz Orozco, Universidad Vasco de Quiroga, Morelia, México

Doctor en Administración.

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