We inform you that if you want to register or apply to this journal to send a manuscript, please request the creation of a user as an author by sending your basic information: names, surnames, affiliation, notification email and ORCID to the contact email of journal: revistasye@correounivalle.edu.co.

Editorial Guidelines for Manuscript Submission

The articles must be the product of an original research exercise, and can be presented in the following modalities:

  • Scientific and technological research article. Exposes the results of a completed research
  • Reflection article. Presents the author's original reflections, and therefore presents the author's point of view and judgments on a particular subject.
  • Review It presents an analytical, interpretative, and critical perspective of the author on published or unpublished research results, to show the advances and trends in each field. It is characterized by presenting a bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

The process of publication in Sociedad y Economía implies that the articles are submitted for review by two specialized peers of high academic level, external to the Universidad del Valle. These referees suggest their possible publication and ultimately it will be the Editorial Committee who will determine the publication. If you wish to know more about this process, please consult the Peer Review Guide. When the article is accepted for publication, the authors must correct it, according to the observations of the reviewers and the editorial team, within 15 days. The

average time between submission to peer reviewers and acceptance is up to one year. Articles will be published in order of arrival.

The article must be unpublished and must not be submitted for simultaneous submission to any other printed or electronic media; except if they are part of a graduate thesis, working papers or proceedings of an event, in which case there must be significant modifications. Submission to the journal implies authorization for publication in the journal and in the electronic media in which Sociedad y Economía is disseminated.

Articles should be submitted through the Open Journal System http://sociedadyeconomia.univalle.edu.co/. Articles are received throughout the year.

For some issues, a central theme may be defined, which will have a determined period for submission.

Manuscript Submission Format

Articles that do not comply with the editorial standards will not be submitted for peer review; therefore, they will be returned to their authors for their respective adjustments.

Articles should be submitted in Word .docx format, full page size, 1.5 spacing, Arial font, size 12pt. The article should have a maximum of 8 thousand words, with an approximate length of 25 pages, including cover page, figures, tables, equations, annexes, and references. The following is an example of a first page of an article:

  1. Send the completed format for authors with the data required National and international author format.
  2. Abstract (maximum 150 words): It should be analytical, present the purpose of the research, as well as the main results and conclusions.
  3. Keywords (maximum 5): these are used for indexing processes. It is preferable to use internationally recognized terms in social sciences and economics. For this, it is convenient to review the UNESCO thesaurus at: http://databases.unesco.org/thess
  4. Submit a conflict of interest, source, and funding disclosure statement, including any previous filings.
  5. The article should have an introduction that clearly states the objective, central hypothesis, summary of the theoretical approach, methodology used, background of the research, and description of the organizational structure of the article.
  6. Subtitles should be numbered and reflect the organization of the topics covered in the article and their respective sections.
  7. The use of footnotes should be limited to explanatory notes, which should be as brief as possible. A maximum of 10.
  8. Tables should have a short descriptive title and consecutive numbering according to their appearance in the text. They should be presented in editable text and not as images. Notes (source of data, definition of abbreviations and symbols) should be placed below the table. The use of tables and figures is limited to a maximum of 10 together.
  9. All figures (graphs, tables, photographs, and illustrations) must have a short and descriptive title, with consecutive numbering according to their appearance in the They should also be submitted in an Excel attachment, in black and white or grayscale to clearly differentiate the elements; in case of images, send them as high-quality attachments (minimum 300 dpi), preferably in TIFF format. Notes (source of data, definition of abbreviations and symbols) are located below the figure. The following is an example:

10. In the case of equations, these must also be numbered consecutively to the right in the square brackets,
11. Annexes should be numbered as in the APA 7th edition: with letters of the alphabet. Tables and figures in the appendices should be numbered from A1, etc., according to the appendices to which they belong.
12. References: to cite them in the text, follow the APA 7th edition rules: parentheses, author's name, year of publication, and pages in case of textual citation. Example: (López, 2008, p. 46). The complete list of references is presented at the end of the text, in alphabetical order. Only references mentioned in the article are included and vice versa.
13. DOI must be added to all references that have it

14. Examples of references are presented in APA 7th edition:

Book: Author's last name, author's initials. (Year). Title of the book. Publisher.

Example: Bourdieu, P. (1997). Sobre la Televisión. Editorial Anagrama.

Book chapter: Author's last name, author's initials. (Year). Chapter title. Editor's initials Editor's last name. (Ed.), Book title (pp. xx-xx). Publisher.

Example: Salama, P. (2006). Deudas y dependencia financiera del Estado en América Latina. En Clacso (Ed.), Confrontaciones monetarias: marxistas y post- keynesianos en América Latina (pp. 101-122). Clacso.

Scientific article: Author's last name, author's initials. (Year). Article title. Name of journal, volume (number), pp-pp.

Example: Beltrán, W. y Berrío, D. (2016). Viviendo de la Sociología: egresados(as) de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y mercados parciales de trabajo. Sociedad y economía, (30), 121-146.

Electronic publishing: Author's last name, author's initials. (Year). Title of publication. http://www.xxxx.xxx

Example: Sader, E. (2008). Posneoliberalismo en América Latina. http://goo.gl/C7wmRA.

Interview: Personal interviews are only cited in the article and not in the bibliographical references. In the text (Initials of the interviewee, interviewee's last name, description of the interviewee, personal communication, date, etc.).

Example: (J. M. Carpenco, dirigente del Movimiento de Trabajadores Excluidos, comunicación personal, 14 de abril de 2013).

“Book Review” Section

The "Book Review" section seeks to stimulate academic debate and encourage the reading of books of interest to the social sciences and economics. This section includes two types of texts: the book review and the critique.

The review places the book in its context, highlighting its relevance in the present time. It is important to describe the book and make an assessment supported by solid arguments. It is required to provide information on the thematic line that the reviewed author has worked on and the implications in his/her field.

The review presents a brief description of the book and its central hypothesis, emphasizing its points of controversy from the reviewer's perspective. It should present solid arguments that value the work and its contributions to the area of knowledge.

The following are the items contained in the book review or book critique:


The text must be submitted in Word .docx format, in Arial font, size 12pt, 1.5 spacing, full-page size. It should not exceed 4,000 words.

Process After Manuscript Acceptance

After the acceptance of the article for publication and the completion of the corrections requested by the reviewers and the editorial team, the article will go through three additional processes:

  1. Proofreading, which will be submitted to the author for approval
  2. Layout, which will be submitted to the author for
  3. Translation of title, abstract and

During these processes, questions will be asked to the authors if some final details of the article are not clear.

In addition, we will ensure the dissemination of the article through graphic pieces for the magazine's social networks, its Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/revistasye.

Authors will be asked to send a video summarizing their article and inviting to read it, which will be published both on the journal's Facebook and YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@revistasociedadyeconomia1158

We look forward to your article!