Focus and Scope

The journal Sociedad y Economía is a Latin American publication aimed at researchers who are interested in the understanding of social dynamics and economic processes. To this end, its pages publish academic articles in the fields of economics, sociology and, in general, the social sciences. Committed to theoretical and methodological pluralism, the articles presented must be the product of an original research exercise, supported by a significant empirical reality, or the product of theoretical reflection in the social sciences. The journal receives support from the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas and the Programa Editorial of the Universidad del Valle.

The journal is peer-reviewed by academic peers and the articles received for publication follow a selection and evaluation process that meets strict quality criteria, guaranteeing the anonymity of both the expert evaluators - researchers outside the editorial board - and the authors through the double-blind peer review system. With a continuous periodicity, Sociedad y Economía is available in digital format and is open access on the Internet. We receive manuscripts in Spanish and English. The official language of the journal is English, but Spanish versions of each article will be available.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Book Review

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Central subject

Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed


Publication Frequency

The journal Sociedad y Economía is a continuous publication with 3 issues per year (January-April; May-August; September-December). There is a permanent call for papers and articles are published on a first-come, first-served basis. Even before the closing dates of the issue.

Open Access Policy

The scientific journals of the Universidad del Valle adhere to the declarations of Budapest (BOAI, 2002), Berlin (2003) and Bethesda (2003) with the purpose of unrestricted scientific communication, thus improving scientific development, the economy, and the quality of life of the citizens of Latin American countries and the world.

The journal Sociedad y Economía provide open, free of charge and immediate access to the published content to users, free of charge to them or their institutions , in support of the idea that free access to research helps to support the exchange of knowledge. For this reason, they identify and publish their articles in Green Open Access mode, the authors are permitted to self-archive the published version of the article (the version of Record, which includes; copy and stylistic edits, online and print formatting, citation and other linking, deposit in abstracting and indexing services, and the addition of bibliographic and other material). All articles will be published under the Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC-4.0. In order to reduce publication barriers for authors, the scientific journals of the Universidad del Valle do not charge any author fees and publish thanks to the support of the Editorial Program of the Universidad del Valle, the journal Sociedad y Economía is supported by the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of the Universidad del Valle.

Likewise, readers can download, copy, distribute, print, search, or share links to the articles from social networks and self-archive any version of the articles, without seeking prior permission from the editor or author. Authors retain the right to reuse their articles.

Statement of Best Practices and Editorial Ethics


The journal Sociedad y Economía, as part of the Universidad del Valle Journal System is governed by the Code of Conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and intends to adhere to its Good Practice Guidelines.

Authors, editors, and reviewers are expected to be aware of and adhere to best practices in publication ethics. Including, but not limited to, those relating to authorship (e.g., avoiding ghost or guest authorship), double submission, attribution, plagiarism, image integrity and figure preparation, and competing interests.

Reviewers and editors must treat manuscripts fairly and confidentially and declare any competing interests. Editors must also respect the code of conduct for editorial board members.

We encourage readers to discuss the scientific content of articles in the Universidad del Valle Journal System directly with the corresponding authors by sending an e-mail to the corresponding author. Authors may request formal corrections to their publications by sending an e-mail to the journal office.

If you are concerned about possible errors, research or publication ethics, misconduct, or other issues related to the integrity, validity, or reliability of an Universidad del Valle Journal System article or submission, please contact the journal directly. To do so, send an email to the publication team. Do not rely solely on blog posts, social media, or other third-party websites to bring your concerns to our attention. When notifying the journal of your concerns, please provide the full citation and DOI of the article in question, details of your specific concerns, and a statement of any potential conflicts of interest you have with respect to the authors, funders, and/or sponsors of the article in question.

The Universidad del Valle Journal System will investigate concerns raised about submissions or publications, regardless of the time elapsed since publication or completion of the study, and regardless of whether the concerns are raised internally, by the authors, or by anonymous, pseudonymous, or named third parties. We will take action to correct or clarify the scientific record, if necessary, which may include issuing a correction, expression of concern, or retraction. If we anticipate a delayed or extended follow-up period, the Universidad del Valle Journal System may publish an interim notice on the article(s) in question to inform readers of the issues raised.

While the Universidad del Valle Journal System values transparency in scientific communications, we also protect the confidentiality of those who raise issues of publication ethics or research integrity, whenever possible, to minimize personal and professional risks to those individuals. We consider information and materials received in follow-up discussions of ethics cases to be confidential but reserve the right to share relevant information with others involved in the case (e.g., editors, reviewers, other journals, affected data repositories), discuss the case in a COPE forum, and/or contact the authors' institutions, funders, or regulatory bodies, in accordance with COPE guidelines. We cooperate with institutions investigating issues related to the content of the Universidad del Valle Journal System and, in doing so, we share the necessary information to support the institution's procedures.


Plagiarism is not acceptable in Universidad del Valle Journal System submissions. Plagiarized content will not be considered for publication. If plagiarism is identified, we will follow COPE guidelines.

Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to:

- Directly copying text from other sources without attribution.

- Copying ideas, images, or data from other sources without attribution.

- Reusing text from one's own previous publications without attribution or agreement of the publisher (see COPE guidelines on text recycling and the text recycling guide published by the Text Recycling Research Project).

- Exception: Reuse of text from the methods section of the author's previous publications is acceptable, with attribution of the source.

- Use an idea from another source with slightly modified language without attribution.

The Universidad del Valle Journal System uses Turnitin to check the originality of submitted content. Each journal reviews a proportion of manuscripts. We will do a follow-up investigation if the software raises any concerns.

If plagiarism is detected during the peer review process, the manuscript may be rejected. If plagiarism is detected after publication, we may issue a correction or retract the article, as appropriate. We reserve the right to inform authors' institutions of plagiarism detected before or after publication.

We expect editors and reviewers to be attentive to the evaluation of submissions in the Universidad del Valle Journal System and to notify the journal of any plagiarism detected.


We are committed to ensuring the integrity of the peer review process, in accordance with COPE guidelines. All material submitted must be treated as strictly confidential until publication.

The peer review process is confidential to all parties. Correspondence that is part of the review process should also be treated as confidential by all parties, including the authors.

Authors may provide basic details about the nature of the research presented in manuscripts currently under review.

Editors and reviewers are required to treat all submitted manuscripts in strict confidence and should not share information about submissions with any other party unless agreed in advance with the editor. The involvement of a third party in the review must be declared at the time of submission of the review.

We expect that editors and reviewers will not make use of any material or take advantage of any information they obtain through the peer review process.

We will follow up on all breaches of confidentiality. If there are any concerns about misconduct during the review process, we will follow COPE guidelines to investigate.


Reviewers may identify themselves by signing their name at the time of submission of reviews if they wish to do so.

Submission and Publication of Related Studies

Requirements for authors

When submitting a manuscript, authors should indicate whether there are any related manuscripts under study or published elsewhere. If related work has been submitted or published elsewhere, authors should include a copy of it with their submission and describe its relationship to the submitted work.

Previous publication of research as a thesis, presentation at medical or scientific conferences, or publication in preprint servers will not preclude consideration of your manuscript.

Editor and Reviewer Requirements

Reviewers and editors must evaluate any related content and notify the journal of overlap. Editors and reviewers should alert the journal if they identify duplicate submissions or duplicate publications during the review process.

Enforcement of the Policy

If related content is found to be too like the Universidad del Valle Journal System submission, or if a duplicate submission is discovered, we will reject the manuscript.

Duplicate content discovered after publication will be handled based on the degree of overlap. The journal may publish a correction or retraction, as appropriate.

Data or Figure Concerns

When preparing figures, images should not be manipulated or adjusted in any way that could lead to misinterpretation of the information present in the original raw image data.

When doubts are raised about the reported results, the Universidad del Valle Journal System requests the original data. If the original data is not available or is not provided in a timely manner, we may take editorial action on the article based on our review of the materials in question.

We recognize that some institutions and funding agencies only require retention of research data for a limited period after completion or publication of a project. However, no such limits are specified in the Data Availability Policy of the Universidad del Valle Journal System. In addition, in cases of imaging or other data problems, the underlying original data are critical to clarifying the issues raised and the reliability of the reported results. The unavailability of original data in these cases may affect editorial results.

Editorial Guidelines for Manuscript Submission

The articles must be the product of an original research exercise, and can be presented in the following modalities:

Scientific and technological research article. Exposes the results of a completed research project.

Reflection article. Presents the author's original reflections, and therefore presents the author's point of view and judgments on a particular subject.

Review article. It presents an analytical, interpretative, and critical perspective of the author on published or unpublished research results, to show the advances and trends in each field. It is characterized by presenting a bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

The process of publication in Sociedad y Economía implies that the articles are submitted for review by two specialized peers of high academic level, external to the Universidad del Valle. These referees suggest their possible publication and ultimately it will be the Editorial Committee who will determine the publication. If you wish to know more about this process, please consult the Peer Review Guide. When the article is accepted for publication, the authors must correct it, according to the observations of the reviewers and the editorial team, within 15 days. The average time between submission to peer reviewers and acceptance is up to one year. Articles will be published in order of arrival.

The article must be unpublished and must not be submitted for simultaneous submission to any other printed or electronic media; except if they are part of a graduate thesis, working papers or proceedings of an event, in which case there must be significant modifications. Submission to the journal implies authorization for publication in the journal and in the electronic media in which Sociedad y Economía is disseminated.

Articles should be submitted through the Open Journal System Articles are received throughout the year.

For some issues, a central theme may be defined, which will have a determined period for submission.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses given to this journal will be used exclusively for the ends declared by the editorial committee and will not be available for any other purpose or person.


Online ISSN: 2389-9050