Peer Review Guide
Phase 1. After the manuscripts are received by the OJS of Sociedad y Economía a pre-review by the editorial committee is carried out, where it is determined whether the document will be sent for evaluation. This phase takes one month. Articles that do not meet the editorial standards are not sent for evaluation by academic peers; therefore, they will be returned to their authors for their respective adjustments, within a maximum of 2 weeks. The authors submit a completed author’s form, where they certify the originality of the article. Upon receipt of the documents, they are reviewed through Turnitin software to detect similarities.
Phase 2. The process of publication in Sociedad y Economía implies that the articles are submitted for review by specialized peers of high academic level, who will have one month to send their opinion of the work. The possible results of the evaluation are publishable, not publishable, and publishable with changes.
For the selection of peer reviewers, the search for evaluators external to the publishing entity is privileged. The criteria for selecting peer reviewers are adjusted to the requirements of international databases and indexes, such as: experience in the thematic area, recent publications (last 3 years), and a minimum academic degree of master’s degree. It is worth mentioning that the evaluation process is carried out under the double-blind modality.
See evaluation form.
If the evaluations are positive, the Editorial Committee determines the publication of the article. On the contrary, if the evaluations are negative, the committee will reject the publication of the article. In case of a positive and a negative evaluation, the committee will send the article to a third peer reviewer. According to the evaluation issued by this peer reviewer and considering the previous ones, the editorial committee will make the most pertinent decision.
Phase 3. If the evaluations suggest partial modifications, which can be made within 15 calendar days, the committee will send the article to the author so that he/she can introduce the recommended changes. In this case, the modifications to the article will be accompanied by a letter to the editor in which the author indicates which suggestions he/she accepts and where (sections, pages) he/she incorporates them. If any recommendation is not accepted, he/she should provide a clearly supported justification.
Appeals: If the authors do not agree with the editorial decision based on the decisions of the external evaluators, they may present their arguments (supported by scientific literature) demonstrating the bias in the evaluation. The final decision will be made by the editorial committee.
The established times may vary according to several circumstances: some reviewers request additional deadlines to deliver their evaluation; new searches for reviewers are made; errors are found that require new modifications; some adjustments take more time than expected; verifications by the editorial team require more time. For these reasons, the journal has determined an average review and publication time of 52 weeks.
Editorial process times:
Phase 1: 4 to 8 weeks.
Phase 2: 4 to 24 weeks.
Phase 3: 2 to 4 weeks.