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This paper estímales the main determinants of water consumption generated by the network of cities in Colombia. The model corresponds to the aggregate versión in the rent-consumption space of a Stone-Geary runction that allows estimation of the differences in valuation and intensity of the preferences for the use of the resource. Results show a strong relationship between municipal consumption of water and the scale of urban income. The rates of preferences for the resource were highly significant and they show a clearly differntiated pattern.

Harvy Vivas Pacheco, Universidad del Valle

profesor y miembro del grupo de investigación en economía ambiental de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas de la Universidad del Valle

Vivas Pacheco, H. (2005). Consumo residencial de agua en el sistema de ciudades de Colombia. Sociedad Y Economía, (9), 27–46.