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This article analyzes some socioeconomic and territorial features of the Mexican statesof Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon and Coahuila, that could be associated with criminalincidence and violence that occurred between 2008 and 2014. A correlational analysisthat allowed inference in relationship between social deterioration and crime was made;using statistics generated by Consejo Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de DesarrolloSocial (Coneval) and Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI). The mainresults show that in Nuevo Leon and Coahuila, delinquency and deterioration in education,social security and housing quality are correlated and significant. In Tamaulipas, nocorrelation between these variables was found.

Belem Iliana Vásquez Galán

PhD in economics. The Colegio de la Frontera NorteMonterrey, Mexico

Salvador Corrales Corrales

Doctor in social sciences.   The Colegio de la Frontera NorteMonterrey, Mexico
Vásquez Galán, B. I., & Corrales Corrales, S. (2017). Correlational Analysis of Violence and Crime in the Northeast of Mexico Between 2008 and 2014. Sociedad Y Economía, (32), 127–146.