Perceptions of Rural Community-Based Tourism in the Province of Alto Ricaurte, Boyacá (Colombia)
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This article shows the processes of tourism associativity in the Alto Ricaurte region (Boyacá), identified through the review of primary and secondary bibliographic sources, as well as documentary archives of the municipal mayors' offices, the Governor's Office of Boyacá, and several organizations that work in tourism in the department. The use of information gathering tools such as interviews, data collection, and organization led to the recognition of complex issues related to social organization in different administrative frameworks, local, and provincial, by resource units or communities, through a quantitative methodology. It is evident that the study area has complex systems of socialization, and that they are permeated by cultural aspects, forms of governance, economic relations, and exercises of power, with the tensions that are expressed within the same territories and that affect positively or negatively the economy of this province.
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