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This article analyzes the electoral process in the town of Santiago de Cali on the election of the Mayor of the city (September-October 2007). Discusses the imaginary and symbolic codes under which the process of dispute took place, presents the profiles of the candidates and the different elements of the campaign (considering the kind of polarization and electoral strategies implemented). It concludes with a series of reflections and working hypothesis.

María Teresa Pinto Ocampo

Politóloga y magíster en Estudios Políticos. ProfesoraInstituto de Estudios Políticos y Relaciones Internacionales (IEPRI) de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Pinto Ocampo, M. T. (2012). La disputa política en torno a la alcaldía de Santiago de Cali de 2007. Sociedad Y Economía, (14), 205–230. Retrieved from