Arriba el telón!: community theater and young people in the hillside of the city of Cali
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The objective of this article is to explore the practice space of the group Arriba el telón, both in its capacity to generate a transformation of its participants and in its potential to develop a critique of the surrounding dynamics of oppression. The methodology used was ethnography, with 18-month fieldwork focused on the practices of the Arriba el telón theater group in the Terron Colorado neighborhood in the city of Cali. Semi- structured interviews and visits to the Esquina Latina theater, mentor of the "Jóvenes, teatro y comunidad " program, to which Arriba el telón belongs, were also conducted. Among the main results, it was found that the practice space of Arriba el telón allows young people to have a process of relational reflexivity with their neighborhood environment, develop strategies of resistance to oppression and transform their contexts from working with their voices and bodies.
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