‘Maricas’ and ‘Travestis’: Rethinking Shared Experiences
Social Anthropology Ethnography Sociability Travestis Homosexuality
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The aim of this paper is to contrast the genealogy of the category travesti with a broaderprocess of ‘queer history’, embodied by subjects not confined a priori within a fixed identity.Based on the analysis of ethnographic situations and biographies, it is stated thatqueers’ and travestis’ collective ways of being and making have been constructed, settledand subverted through different generations. These shared experiences implied the consolidationof knowledges, meanings and social practices, as well as their synthesis withnew elements, regarding continuities in the main socializing spaces: performances andprisons.
Cutuli, M. S. S. (2013). ‘Maricas’ and ‘Travestis’: Rethinking Shared Experiences. Sociedad Y Economía, (24), 183–204. https://doi.org/10.25100/sye.v0i24.3992

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