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For two decades the Colombian Constitutional Court has undertaken the task of transforminga wide legal structure which supports the contemporary Colombian State, aheteronormative one and promoter of the hegemonic masculinity which is based on fearand homophobia from men, who have had to adapt to certain usages of their bodies andsexuality. The article intends to show evidence of that heteronormative interest and ofthe actions of “the country’s public life men,” who became supporters of that structureand therefore are promoters of discrimination. Its aim is to contribute to gender anddiversity studies from a historical and human rights-based approach.

Walter Alonso Bustamante Tejada, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín-Colombia

Instituto de Estudios Regionales – INER, Universidad de Antioquia,
Bustamante Tejada, W. A. (2013). Masculinity and Homophobia. Control Over the Sexuality of Men in the Building of the Colombian State. Sociedad Y Economía, (24), 159–182.