Analysis of the Relationship Between Gender and Sexuality Starting from the Study of the New International Division of Women’s Work
Intersectionality Relations of Sex/Gender Sex Job Markets Ethnicity/Rac
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This article deals with the theoretical complexity underlying the social relation analysison genre and sexuality. We suggest debating diverse methodological approaches, analyticalmodels, and theoretical paradigms which study the topic. Particularly, we focusedon the intersectionality perspective, which analyzes genre and sexuality as a social relationshipsystem at interplay with other systems of relationships as the ethnic/race kind,migratory condition, sexual orientation, and even with the socio-occupational categories.From the complexity of these relationship systems we approach the recent andcontroversial international division of women’s work and its link with the transnationalsex market.
Hurtado Saa, T. (2014). Analysis of the Relationship Between Gender and Sexuality Starting from the Study of the New International Division of Women’s Work. Sociedad Y Economía, (26), 213–237.

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