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The labor market in Antioquia exhibits significant disparities across its municipalities, related to income, education, infrastructure, and unemployment. This study examines these inequalities through a center-periphery perspective, highlighting the Aburrá Valley Metropolitan Area as the privileged center compared to other subregions.


To explore the heterogeneity of unemployment in Antioquia and understand labor market disparities using advanced statistical techniques.


Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) and cluster analysis were employed. The MFA synthesized 2019 data on demographics, education, wages, and labor market characteristics across the department’s 125 municipalities, while the cluster analysis grouped municipalities based on similar attributes.


The factor analysis revealed three principal dimensions:

1. Human capital (47.73% of variance): Dominated by variables related to education, internet access, and wages, with municipalities like Medellín and Envigado standing out for their high educational and economic indicators.

2. Demographic configuration (11.41%): Linked to factors such as population distribution and Afro-descendant population, associated with high unemployment rates.

3. Intradepartmental migration and social vulnerability jointly explain an additional 11.63%, reflecting migration toward economic centers and labor challenges in peripheral regions.

The cluster analysis identified four groups of municipalities, highlighting pronounced regional inequalities.


The study reflects a development model concentrated in the department’s central region, perpetuating inequalities in peripheral areas. Factors such as mismatched labor supply and demand and limited access to essential services call for inclusive strategies prioritizing infrastructure, education, and employment in the most vulnerable regions.

William Álvarez-Valle, Universidad de Antioquia, El Carmen de Viboral, Colombia

PhD en Ingeniería.

John Edwar Torres-Gorrón, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia

Magíster en Economía.

Cristian Sánchez-Salazar, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia; Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia

Magíster en Economía.

Luisa Fernanda Quintero-Gómez, Universidad Católica de Oriente, Rionegro, Colombia

Profesional en Desarrollo Territorial.

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