Success Factors for the Development of the Bioeconomy in Valle del Cauca
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The article aims to identify the success components that could lead to the development of bioeconomy in Colombia through the establishment of biotechnology clusters. The analysis is based on a conceptual model of success factors recognized by the International Mission of Wise Men of the Government of Colombia. The study integrates three complementary analysis approaches that broaden the perspective of the object of study: 1) spatial analysis focused on public policies, macroeconomic social context, and characteristics of the territory; 2) structural analysis, key components of the biotechnology sector; 3) functional analysis, necessary requirements for innovation. These tools allow the analysis of the Regional Biotechnology Innovation System (SRIB) cluster initiative in Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Finally, a roadmap is proposed that could be used to create a successful cluster strategy for the development of departmental bioeconomy.
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