The Banana Leaf Approach: An Appreciation of Utilitarian Handcrafted Artifacts in the American Context
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There is a whole wide diversity regarding how people adapt to the natural environment conditions and how they value or relate to their everyday objects and products; outside aesthetics or functionality, users appreciate utilitarian artifacts according to assorted perspectives and factors, including traditional, emotional, and cultural approaches. This paper is envisioned to propose a reflection regarding the value and significance of utilitarian handcrafted objects as a fundamental element of popular culture, associated with tradition, heritage, and folkloric preservation. Based on direct experience, photographic record, and assorted theoretical approaches, it was viable to generate a conceptual review and reflection considering the consumers’ appreciation of traditional handcrafted artifacts, understanding these implements’ value and significance beyond their form and function, as the cultural significance of handcrafted utilitarian, decorative and traditional products, as a crucial component of tangible and intangible heritages and identities in the American context.
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