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The main objective of this article is to analyze the contents and transformations of the gaitanist newspapers
Unirismo y Pluma Libre. To achieve this goal, the methodology developed is based on an approach to the
discursive strategies through which the members of the gaitanist movement shaped a set of opinions and
political actions. The interpretation that is made, begins at the conceptualization of such media as
cognitive entrepreneurs. As a general conclusion of the analysis proposed, the organizational and ideological difficulties experienced by the Gaitanist movement in its initial stages are recognized, as well the intricate relationships it had with the Liberal Party and with the rest of the left wing organizations of the period.
Charry Joya, C. A. (2019). Unirismo and Pluma Libre. Expressions and Transformations of Gaitanist Newspapers of 1930’s. Sociedad Y Economía, (38).